
Live Online Session with Sarie

GBP 16.00

2nd October 2024 at 8pm UK Time | Replay Available

Mental Health is not a place or an event where we aim to be and then stay.

We all have access to our innate wellbeing all the time, any time, however we can also very easily talk ourselves out of it temporarily.

One of the most common things I hear from clients when they find themselves getting caught up is that they have gone backwards. This is not how it works. We can't go backwards. We can have familiar feelings that can take us to previous memories, and we can make comparison, but we are not going backwards.

If you find yourself thinking this, it can feel hopeless, or like there is something wrong with you, but again thats not true! I want to talk about how this happens with all of us, and what it means and how there is never any reason to lose hope.

Live Online Session with Sarie

GBP 16.00

6th November 2024 at 8pm UK Time | Replay Available

Most people have some kind of fear and phobia that will mean they are anywhere between feeling dislike for something, to actually feeling so scared they will avoid something at all costs.

I will talk about fears and phobias in this session, and how they all work no matter what your phobia is! We will go over what happens during the fear response and how normal it is.

I have worked with many people who have had phobias and fears that were then able to see things very differently after understanding more.

We are not born with a fear of sickness, heights, flying or spiders so how do we develop phobias and fears of them? I will talk about al of this as well as answer any questions you may have!

Live Online Session with Sarie

GBP 16.00

4th December 2024 at 8pm UK Time | Replay Available

When we find ourselves getting overwhelmed, feeling like we are not enough or that we may just tip over that edge with everything we must do, it's often due to us worrying about what others think.

Having had the pleasure of working with so many wonderful human beings I notice some patterns, one of which is that we can often feel the weight of others expectations. This may even be from something someone said to us 20 years ago and it stuck.

We can also find ourselves focusing on others when we feel like helping ourselves seems too difficult! Maybe we worry too much about how others may judge us and thats why we prioritise them?

There is a link to how we prioritise others or consider what they want and then how we feel about ourselves which I am looking forward to exploring with you in this session!
GBP 19.99

Not just for those with anxiety, this journal from Sarie Taylor is the perfect place for you to reflect, share and hopefully have your own insights along the way. It can be used alongside the Insight Card Deck or on it's own, and helps us to discover things we never even knew were on our minds!

Created For Families

GBP 21.60

Created for families! My best selling paperback manual, which comes with accompanying videos delivered straight to your inbox!

3 Days | 3 Recorded Video Lessons PLUS Bonuses!

GBP 47.00

Understand & Reduce Anxiety is my three day video series to help you get to grips with the thoughts and feelings behind overwhelm and anxiety, so that you can begin to understand and reduce these to allow you more freedom from your mind.

GBP 230.00

Contains all live elements and replays from The Membership with additional support for professionals, coaches, therapists and those providing a well-being service to their clients.