
Sarie's Thoughts

Thought storms

Thought Storms

We all experience our reality through our thoughts. Thought Storms are a part of being human, understanding why they happen, and how our brains work, is key to allowing the thought storms to pass faster with less discomfort.

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome involves changing a your mindset about your own abilities. Feeling like you're not enough or somehow going to be found out is attached to the unknown and uncertainty we face every day. How about embracing the opportunity for newness and accepting that we are all imposters in one way or another?

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Stress and anxiety over christmas

Stress and Anxiety: Christmas is Coming

Halloween is over, which means all over social media and amongst friends and family, people are beginning to ramp up their enthusiasm and hype for Christmas. But if you are someone who starts to overthink all the things you've got to do and all the people you've got to spend time with then this is your permission to pause and take things one step a time.

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